Provider Information Notices (PINs) are distributed to Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) so that RCFE owners, administrators, and RCFE staff are aware of and comply with important information that affects the operation of their facility. Types of information distributed as PINs may include:
- Regulation changes
- Statewide informational calls for guidance or training
- Urgent announcements or changes that impact your facility
- Guidance on unique or changing conditions i.e. Covid-19
H&S Code 1569.155 requires all California RCFE’s to subscribe to a regulation update service. Our service meets this requirement to keep you current on changes to regulatory requirements and Department of Social Services (DSS) policy.
You will receive your regulatory and DSS policy updates by email. The email will include a link that allows you to view regulatory and policy updates and also print these if you wish. We attach a current copy of Title 22 and H&S Codes just once each year for an active subscription.
This service is valid for one year from the date of purchase.
Raymond J. Jarvis –
It has been a pleasure working with Jane and Bill from Assisted Living Education. We sent VITAS personnel to their RCFE training as well as retained them to partner with VITAS Hospice to deliver a series of day long CE trainings for the owners / operators / administrators in Contra Costa County.
The feedback from our RCFE and ALF referral sources has been fantastic. After the last event I received the following comment, “Title 22 is pretty dry material, but Jane makes learning fun and she uses great examples to support her teaching points.”
Our conference attendees have been very complementary about the knowledge and presentation skills displayed by Jane, and the attendance has increased at each of the first three events. I highly recommend Assisted Living Education for all educational needs.
Raymond J. Jarvis, Director of Market Development, Vitas Innovative Hospice