The Benefits of Joining an Assisted Living Association
If you are considering opening a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE), you may benefit from joining an assisted living association. Your first step to effectively own and operate an RCFE is to become an RCFE administrator, which requires an administration certification.
You also must obtain an RCFE license. You can take advantage of all the resources assisted living associations provide to RCFE administrators while also getting support as you navigate the RCFE certification process. Here are five benefits of joining an assisted living association.
1. Resources
If you’re new to the industry, there are many resources available to you as an assisted living administrator. Even if you are a seasoned professional, assisted living associations provide fantastic resources for all things industry-related.
For instance, they are often the go-to source for keeping up with regulations and laws. They also keep up with industry trends and share relevant information on everything from resident care to health care. Resources are always important, but they are especially so now in the midst of the global Covid-19 pandemic and RCFE’s efforts to keep residents healthy and safe.
2. Advocacy
There is strength in numbers. When you join an assisted living association, you gain a representative and an advocate. RCFE administrators and residents benefit from advocacy because it allows their voice to be heard by people making decisions that impact the industry and RCFE operations.
Assisted living association leaders must stay current on pending legislation and policy efforts. They represent you, your RCFE, and your residents to ensure any changes are as smooth and unencumbered as possible. They also communicate relevant information you need to know and act as an intermediary between RCFEs, state legislatures, and social services.
3. Professional Development
Assisted living associations are in the perfect position to coordinate and facilitate professional and workforce development. As an assisted living administrator, you require trained, skilled staff to provide the right care and services for your residents.
Assisted living associations can support you in your recruiting efforts, onboarding, and ongoing skills development. No matter whether you’re in the first year of your RCFE career or your 20th, ongoing professional development is necessary. Your membership in an association allows you to engage in numerous training and ongoing education opportunities.
4. Events
Assisted living associations commonly host annual conferences and other sessions that allow you to immerse yourself in educational events, industry news, and trends. When you attend events, you can hear from industry leaders, guest speakers, and others in the field.
Leave the event and return to your RCFE refreshed and full of new ideas and insights. Conferences and other events allow you to take the information you receive and practically apply them immediately. Events can also include trade shows, opportunities for recognition and awards, and the option to gain continuing education credits.
5. Networking
When you join an assisted living association, you get to network with others in the industry. Networking is vital; it allows you to be seen, connect with people in your field, share and learn best practices, trouble-shoot, recruit and seek new job opportunities. In a world where things change rapidly, it is nice to have access to industry peers where you can bounce ideas, learn, mentor, and connect over common ground.
If you’re an RCFE administrator, you will benefit from joining an assisted living association. Associations offer many benefits, including resources, advocacy, professional development opportunities, events, education, and networking.
As an association member, you join a community of like-minded individuals and industry leaders dedicated to supporting one another, sharing ideas, answering questions, and performing at a high-level. Stay informed on industry trends, ahead of the curve on regulations and pending legislation, and operating at optimal performance.
As an assisted living administrator, you are responsible for ensuring your RCFE maximizes its operations and services. The best way to achieve this goal is to become a member of an assisted living association. The leading California association is the California Assisted Living Association (CALA).
Assisted Living Education is the leading provider of RCFE certification classes, licensing, products and services for assisted living. Our teachers are industry professionals with many years of experience that are engaging, entertaining and highly informative.
We always welcome your feedback, and if you have other important terms you would like added to the list, please let us know. Assisted Living Education is a recognized leader in the industry, and our instructors have years of professional RCFE experience that will help ensure your success in this burgeoning industry.