
May is American Stroke Month

In our last blog, we discussed osteoporosis, as May is National Osteoporosis Prevention & Awareness Month. May is also American Stroke Month!

Because the risk of stroke doubles each decade after age 55 (American Heart Association), prevention and early care are crucial in a positive, long-term prognosis for our elderly residents. Assisted Living Education is here to cover some key information about strokes, including how to recognize if someone is having a stroke, the different types of strokes, and basic prevention measures to implement in an assisted living facility.

Basic Facts

According to the American Stroke Association, someone in the United States experiences a stroke every 40 seconds, and it is the number one cause of long-term disability in this country. The American Heart Association states that every four minutes, a death is caused by a stroke. However, the AHA also states that stroke is one of the more preventable conditions, by as much as one third. Additionally, immediate care is the key to reducing brain damage caused by stroke, as 2 million brain cells die each minute a stroke goes untreated (American Stroke Association).

Recognizing A Stroke: F.A.S.T!

Timely treatment for a stroke is essential in preventing long-term, debilitating brain damage for the resident.

F.A.S.T. is an easy and useful acronym to help identify if someone is                experiencing a stroke.

F: Is one side of the face drooping or is their smile uneven? Ask the person to smile if you are unsure.

A: Are they experiencing numbness or weakness in one arm? Ask the person to lift both arms to see if one drifts down, or if they are otherwise unable to control it.

S: Is their speech slurred or are they having difficulty talking and hard to understand? Ask them to repeat a simple sentence, e.g., “I like chocolate.”

T: Time to call 9-1-1. Even if the symptoms seem to go away, immediately
call 9-1-1
or emergency medical services and note the time that you
first recognized 
these symptoms.

Other Symptoms

The following symptoms may also be apparent in someone experiencing a stroke, and their sudden onset is a key signal that something is wrong.

  • Numbness or weakness: This can be experienced in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body.
  • Confusion: The resident may seem suddenly confused, and have difficulty with their speech or understanding speech (dysphasia).
  • Difficulty Walking: Sudden dizziness and trouble with walking, balance or coordination can occur.
  • Impaired Vision: The resident may have difficulty seeing out of one or both eyes.
  • Severe Headache: A sudden headache may come on with no apparent cause or trigger.

Knowing your residents and interacting with them frequently can help you recognize behaviors that are unusual for the individual. Some residents may already have difficulties with speech or cognition, weakness and/or limited mobility due to other conditions,  so it is important to determine and know individual baselines to distinguish symptoms that are out of their norm.

Types of Strokes

There are two main types of strokes, Ischemic and Hemorrhagic, and a less severe event called a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA). However, each one should be considered seriously for the long-term well-being of the resident.

Ischemic – Clots

The AHA states that 87% of all strokes are ischemic and caused by an obstruction in an artery that supplies blood to the brain. Ischemic strokes are further divided into two categories: thrombotic and embolic.

Thrombotic strokes occur when there’s a clot or obstruction within the brain, also known as cerebral thrombosis or cerebral infarction. These account for about 50% of all strokes. There are two kinds of thrombotic strokes, large-vessel thrombosis and small-vessel thrombosis. Large-vessel thrombosis refers to a blockage in one of the major arteries supplying blood to the brain, such as the carotid or middle cerebral. Small-vessel thrombosis occurs in one or more of the smaller arteries carrying blood to the brain.

Embolic stroke is a clot that occurs in an artery in the body besides the brain. Frequently, they come from the heart and travel through the bloodstream, until they get stuck and can no longer pass, restricting blood flow to the brain.

Hemorrhagic – Blood leaking in/around the brain

A hemorrhagic stroke describes when blood is leaking in or around the brain. The National Stroke Association reports that only about 15% of strokes are hemorrhagic, but they account for 40% of stroke deaths. There are two types of hemorrhagic strokes, intracerebral and subarachnoid.

Intracerebral hemorrhage is the more common of the two, and occurs when a weakened blood vessel ruptures and leaks blood into the brain. As blood collects, it causes an increase in pressure to the surrounding brain tissue. Because of this, brain cells can die and cause the affected area to stop functioning properly.

Subarachnoid hemorrage is when there is bleeding between the brain and the tissue surrounding the brain. This is most commonly caused by a burst aneurysm, but can also happen due to a genetic condition, head injury, bleeding disorders, or blood thinners.

Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs)

A Transient Ischemic Attack is when blood flow to the brain is stopped temporarily, and symptoms appear only for a short time, the average around one to five minutes. The temporary obstruction can be a blood clot, or a cholesterol plaque, which can break off and cause arterial blockage.

Sometimes called a ‘mini-stroke,’ TIAs are more appropriately called a ‘warning stroke’ because a more serious one is likely to occur in the near future. Not everyone has a TIA before a stroke, but the AHA indicates that about one-third of those who experience one go on to have a stroke within just a year.

TIAs manifest the same or similar symptoms to a stroke, but they do not cause permanent brain damage or disability. However, it is critical to call emergency services immediately with any signs or symptoms, because at the initial onset, it may be difficult to distinguish between a TIA or a major stroke.

Stroke Prevention in Assisted Living

Though some factors are beyond our control, there are still preventative efforts assisted living facilities can enforce. Of course, each of the following must be approved through the appropriate channels before implementing any changes to a resident’s individual care plan.

Ensuring proper nutrition among residents and healthy eating habits can help fight obesity, reduce bad cholesterol and high blood pressure, all of which can contribute to increased risk of stroke. The in-house dietitian can design appropriate nutrition programs and supplements for residents who present a greater risk of stroke incidence. Common dietary adjustments include limiting sodium intake; supplementing B6, B12 & folic acid; increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables, & high fiber foods; and consuming foods low in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol.  

Anticoagulants such as warfarin, or antiplatelet medications like Aspirin or Bayer are often prescribed for regular use to prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of stroke.

For residents with high blood pressure, they may require antihypertensives, which can act in a few different ways, depending on the medication. Some work by dilating the blood vessels, others decrease blood volume, while certain types reduce the rate or force of the heart’s contractions.

Encouraging exercise and movement in elderly residents can also help in stroke prevention. Exercise can naturally reduce blood pressure and increase the ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL). Mood and sleep patterns also improve with exercise, which can help enhance overall body function. Exercise and movement are also good for blood flow, and keeping the blood vessels and heart strong.


At Assisted Living Education, our ultimate goal is to promote the well-being, safety, and happiness of our elderly population. We do this by providing premier education, licensing, products and services for assisted living. Our teachers are long-time industry professionals ready to share their knowledge in a highly engaging, entertaining, yet informative context. Find out how to receive your RCFE Certification, sign up for continuing education courses, or staff training classes. Visit our contact page for our location and how to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!


Osteoporosis Protection in an Assisted Living Facility

Because May is National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, Assisted Living Education is sharing some of our insights and suggestions in helping prevent and protect our elderly residents against dangers related to osteoporosis. In an assisted living facility, it is crucial to take a proactive approach in safeguarding our residents.

The International Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that in the age group over 50, 1 in 2 women and 1 in 4 men are at risk for an osteoporotic fracture. Many people are unaware they have osteoporosis, a decrease in bone density, and are in fact diagnosed after they incur a fracture.

Who is at risk and how can we help?

Post-menopausal women over 65, and men over 70 are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Risk factors for osteoporosis can include a genetic predisposition; lifestyle factors including lack of exercise or smoking, which expedites bone loss; and diet deficiencies, including lack of calcium or lack of Vitamin D. While a lifetime of good or bad habits has already impacted an individual, there are some things we can do at our assisted living facilities to encourage some changes and either help maintain good habits or support better ones.

Of course, all activities and changes must be approved by the resident’s attending doctor or physical therapists.

It’s common to think that a person’s inability or struggle to walk long distances, carry or lift certain items, or even climb stairs is due to the onset of old age. In fact, it’s actually the lack of sustained exercise in a person’s life that contribute to these difficulties in older age.

Though by the time we receive our elderly residents, we can’t change what the past has written into their bodies, we can still make an effort to maintain their strength and some flexibility. This can help to prevent any future injuries.

Even if residents aren’t fully ambulatory, stretching and incorporating extra movement in their day can have a positive effect on both physical and mental health. Movement can keep the joints warm, and also prevent muscle and bone atrophy.

For residents who are capable, weight-bearing exercises (also called “resistance exercise” or “strength training”) are excellent in building bone density and maintaining healthy bones. Walking, Tai Chi, yoga, dancing, and weightlifting are all great examples, and can even help improve balance and stability as well. Modified versions of these activities are beneficial as well. The International Osteoporosis Foundation states that there is a 47% decrease in the amount of falls by people who practice Tai Chi than those who don’t, and a 25% decrease in the rate of hip fractures.

The food service department, as well as the in-house registered dietitian should ensure that residents are receiving a diet that supports bone and overall health, as well as remaining within any personal diet restrictions. Additionally, the dietitian can recommend vitamin or other dietary supplements that may benefit the resident as well.

Clear Pathways & Easy Access
Hallways and common areas of the facility should always maintain clear pathways, but it is also important to ensure that a resident’s room or personal space is kept neat and clear as well. Nurses, CNAs, or other caregivers can take a quick glance-over when possible to check on their spaces. Also, make sure walking aids, such as canes or walkers, are within close reach of the bed, even if the resident requires assistance to get in/out of bed or stand/sit down.

Make sure the resident’s most commonly used items are easily accessible (toiletries, books, etc.) to prevent unnecessary bending or stooping which may result in a misstep or injury. Physical or occupational therapists may even suggest having a long-arm reaching tool/grabber handy in case a resident drops something and attempts to pick it up.

Falling or tripping is a major fear and risk for an individual with osteoporosis, and the elderly population in general. For an extensive and thorough list of preventative actions a healthcare facility can implement, our blog Preventing Falls for Elderly Residents discusses in detail how to keep residents safe from falls and injuries.

Many of the medications used to treat osteoporosis are biphosphonates, which help slow the breakdown process of the bones. Our bones go through a normal breakdown and rebuilding cycle, but as we age, the rebuilding process cannot always keep up with the breakdown. Biphosphonates slow the cells that break bones down (osteoclasts), allowing the building cells (osteoblasts) to work more effectively, and overall help maintain bone density. There are other kinds of medications that also help reduce the risk of fractures, and even one which may even reverse the effects of osteoporosis, but those are reserved for more severe cases. Of course, the resident’s doctor or attending doctor will review each case and decide whether osteoporosis medications are appropriate for the individual.

During the admissions process and subsequent exams, residents will undergo thorough medical evaluations to examine their physical, mental & cognitive abilities, as well as a fall risk assessment to determine if extra precautions are necessary.


Assisted Living Education is a premier provider in assisted living services, and is dedicated to providing relevant news and updates regarding elderly care. Additionally, we offer RCFE Administrator Certification Training, other assisted living facility staff training, and continuing education courses. We are proud of our teachers, who are industry professionals ready to share their years of experience with highly engaging and informative delivery. For more information, visit our contact page to reach us for any questions.

Preventing Falls for Elderly Residents

Safety is a number one priority in residential care facilities. With elderly residents, extra precautions must be observed as their physical bodies, health, and frame of mind are more susceptible to injury. Elder falls are of special concern, as a reported one third of the population over 65 will fall each year, and those over 80 increase to over half. These falls can result commonly in hip fractures or other injuries. Additionally, about half of the adults who experienced a hip fracture-related fall are likely to fall again in another 6 months. Elder falls are such a great issue that Congress passed the Elder Fall Prevention Act (H.R. 3513) in 2003 for expanding effective education, services, and research on this topic.

Assisted Living Education provides some common and typical precautions taken in residential care facilities to prevent falls and injury in elderly residents.

Causes of Elder Falls

In order to prevent elderly falls, it’s important to understand why they occur in the first place. There are several risk factors that can increase the chances of a fall.

Weakened muscle tone, gait problems – Elderly who are not as active as their peers may experience a decrease in muscle tone, causing parts of the body to give out more easily.  Difficulty walking because of arthritis, joint, or other issues can also increase the risk of losing balance.

Blood pressure fluctuation – ‘Postural hypotension,’ or a decrease in blood pressure due to rising too quickly from a sitting or lying position can occur more easily in elderly, sometimes with dizziness. Causes for this may be dehydration, side effects from medication, or another underlying disease like diabetes.

Slowed reflexes – As people age, their bodies and reflexes are slower, causing a delay in reaction time. Elderly may not be able to react as quickly to prevent a fall.

Sensory issues – Some people experience a loss of sensation in the extremities. If this occurs in the feet, it is difficult to realize when you are stepping or to detect a change in terrain.

Poor vision – Vision problems can make it difficult to see a clear (or unclear) pathway, or cause a slower adjustment time to changes in light. Poor depth perception can also cause problems around stairs or unfamiliar environments.

Confusion – Moments of disorientation itself or fear/panic from the confusion can cause a misstep. Also, wheelchair or bed-bound residents may forget that they cannot walk and attempt to get up.

Medications – Some medications can cause dizziness or low blood pressure, causing instability.

Preventing Elder Falls & Injuries

The residents in a care facility generally have more compromised health conditions than the ‘outside’ elderly community and can require vigilance to ensure their safety. Knowing your residents, their conditions, and risks can help you and your facility think proactively in taking and enforcing preventative measures.

Commonly seen preventative measures include:

Around the Facility

  • Maintaining clear pathways
  • Avoiding use of carpet or rug to prevent tripping from uneven surfaces. If there is a carpeted surface, commercial-grade is best for the short fibers and extra durability.
  • Using textured adhesives on sloping floors for extra grip
  • Using ramps in place of any steps
  • Installing grab bars in shower spaces and bathrooms
  • Using raised toilet seats or commodes
  • Using a shower seat or bench for bathing
  • Lowering bed heights
  • Installing handrails along the hallways

Make sure the residents’ call buttons are easily accessible, and a timely response also encourages residents to request for assistance.

Individual Concerns & Major Fall Risks

Some residents may use walking aids such as a cane or a walker to help with mobility. Ensuring that these implements are the proper height helps prevent misuse that could lead to a fall. Ill-fitted clothing can also become a problem, especially with the use of walking aids. If there is family involved, asking them to ensure pants or skirts are of proper fit, or even hemming them slightly can be helpful. Reviewing these types of precautions during the admissions process or a debriefing meeting can help the family become more involved and further assist with the care of their family member.

Residents who repeatedly attempt to get up unassisted can be considered a major fall risk. This can happen in stubborn residents or residents with dementia, especially if they have been bed or wheelchair-bound only a short time. They may forget that they are not supposed to get up unassisted, or are determined to reclaim their independence.

The following are extra preventative measures that can be employed for those who present an elevated fall risk.

Bed or personal alarms – Bed alarms detect when there is a major shift in weight or movement, as in a person attempting to sit up and get out of bed. These alarms help alert a staff member to come quickly and check on the resident. Personal alarms work similarly for use in the wheelchair. One type hangs off the back of the wheelchair and clips on to the back of the resident’s clothing. If the resident leans too far forward in an attempt to rise, the device separates and the alarm is engaged. Another type is a pad which fits on their seat, and when a significant shift/decrease in weight is detected, the alarm will sound.

Room placement – Assigning a high risk fall resident to a room near the nurse’s station can help keep eyes on any independent attempts to get up.

Extremely lowered bed heights – Any time a high risk resident is in bed, adjust their bed height to the lowest setting possible so they are closer to the ground in case of any attempts.

Floor mat – For residents persistent in their attempts, a floor mat placed next to the bed during the night, in addition to the lowered bed height, can also offer added protection.

Hip pads were also created in an attempt to prevent injury in case of a fall, but they’ve received mixed reviews. Some studies reveal no significant statistical data in their favor. Additionally, many hip fractures can occur not just from an impact, but because of an abnormal movement or rotation of the hip during a fall.

Other Precautions

For residents who have little or no issues with cognitive or memory functions, they may benefit from extra education from an occupational or physical therapist to review safety and fall precautions. Those recovering from a procedure or injury should already receive instruction on how to accommodate their new (i.e. limited) range of movement. If the resident has limited mobility and uses a walker or wheelchair much of the time, physical and/or occupational therapy generally covers how to safely and properly transfer from bed to standing position/wheelchair and vice versa, as well as commode and shower seat/bench transfers.

Other residents can benefit from such education as well, but may require frequent prompts and assistance due to difficulty in recalling steps and sequences.

Keeping the residents active as much as possible is not only good for their overall health, but can help keep muscle tone and prevent stiffness or muscle atrophy, which can contribute to a fall. Non-ambulatory residents can still exercise to maintain strength in their arms and hands.

The Overall Picture

Considering the overall health of the resident is crucial to their care. One issue can lead to a cascade of problems. For example, a toothache can lead to decreased food and liquids intake, resulting in weakness and risk of dehydration, leading to an increased risk of a fall. What seem like small problems can also escalate quickly in residents with compromised health, so quick identification and resolve are key to maintaining their general health and well-being.

Information from the initial comprehensive health examinations, mental & cognitive evaluations, fall risk assessments, and review of resident’s history all help in designing an individualized care plan. This information can also be useful in evaluating if your residential facility may need additional precautions throughout the premises.


Assisted Living Education is committed to providing the best in quality education for assisted living services. Our professional instructors have had years of real, hands-on, and practical experience that enrich our already-extensive courses. We offer RCFE classes, licensing, and other products and services for assisted living, plus RN, LVN, and SNF continuing education through our online classes. Explore our website for more information, visit our contact page, or call 1-855-200-0188 for immediate service. We look forward to working with you!


Newer Discoveries in Alzheimer’s Disease Research

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is an increasingly prevalent topic in elder health care and studies, often with new information and research seen in news headlines weekly or monthly. Assisted Living Education covers some of these new discoveries in the latest research movements for Alzheimer’s treatments.

A good portion of these research and technologies are still in the early stages, and often haven’t gone beyond laboratory testing on mice. Much of this recent research has been conducted on mice engineered to display similar neuropathology as seen in a human individual with Alzheimer’s.  However, with these encouraging new discoveries, researchers are hoping to eventually replicate the successful results in humans as well.

Beta-Amyloid & Tau Tangles

Beta-amyloid plaques and tau protein tangles have been the target of heavy AD research for the last two to three decades. Analysis has indicated that people with AD have an increased amount of beta-amyloid plaques and tau, or neurofibrillary, tangles in their brain.

In a healthy brain, the cell transport system is arranged in what look microscopically like parallel lines, called microtubules. Nutrients and other materials flow along these lines, and normal tau proteins provide the structural support to keep these lines and order in tact. Sometimes, these tau proteins become corrupted, causing structural collapse and twisting. As a result, the transport system is disrupted and eventually leads to cell death. Tau pathologies have also been linked with other degenerative brain conditions, including frontotemporal lobe dementia, progressive supranuclear palsy, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

Previously, it was thought that beta-amyloid itself led to the development and acceleration of Alzheimer’s Disease. Interestingly, studies have revealed that not only are the tau tangles more indicative of Alzheimer’s destruction, but that the beta-amyloid is the one contributing to the corruption of the tau proteins, thus leading to the tau tangles.

Much of the current medical research has focused on either inhibiting the production or the clustering of these plaques by employing the body’s immune system against them. Researchers are experimenting with drugs called monoclonal antibodies, which mimic the body’s natural antibodies that act against foreign invaders. These can help prevent the clumping and assist the body in flushing the beta-amyloid from the brain. Tau aggregation inhibitors as well as other tau treatments are under current research as well.

Ultrasound Technologies

Ultrasound technologies are a novel approach that focuses on breaking up the plaques and tangles developed from beta-amyloid and tau proteins. A team in Queensland, Australia, led by Gerhard Leinenga and Jürgen Götz, developed what they call focused therapeutic ultrasound, which concentrates sound waves into brain tissue. The oscillations of the sound waves encourage the relaxation of the blood-brain barrier, and stimulate microglial cells to activate. Microglial cells are responsible for waste removal from the brain, and with their activation, they can clear out the beta-amyloid plaques.

To replicate ‘Alzheimer’s’ in the lab, researchers deposit beta-amyloid in the brains of mice. 75% of the mice tested experienced a full recovery in memory function and improved task performance from the ultrasound treatment. Better yet, this procedure is non-invasive with no damage to the surrounding brain tissue.

HSV-1 & Alzheimer’s

Some research has examined which, if any, environmental factors have played a part in the development of AD. A case has been made for the involvement of the HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Virus 1), as a correlation between persistent brain infections caused by the virus has been noted.

HSV-1’s interaction with the body’s proteins during an active infection are thought to have a cumulative effect, especially with recurrent flare-ups. The virus interferes with the host’s cell processes, helping itself replicate and interfere with the proteins related to immune response. The host may even cause damage to itself in an attempt to combat the virus with increased inflammatory and immune responses, leading to a few different outcomes. In severe cases, affected individuals may develop herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE), but cell death and neurodegeneration are other effects that may initially go unnoticed.

In this approach, future AD treatments could involve the use of antiviral agents already used in targeting HSV-1, but interestingly, the use of statins as well. Statins help lower cholesterol, and it appears that they also have a role in regulating pathogen entry. This could help reduce the spread of HSV-1 throughout the body and brain.

Lack of Deep Sleep

There has been a long-time correlation between sleep disorders and those who suffer from AD, but common thought surmised that the brain’s sleep regulators were suffering from the effects of AD. Research is taking a new turn, suggesting that the lack of deep sleep is in fact contributing to the development of AD.

Healthy sleep enables restorative measures in the human body, purging toxins and repairing other body systems. However, the inability to acquire or reach deep sleep can lead to a build-up of these toxins, including beta-amyloid in the brain. While the body relies on the lymphatic system to help clear out its toxins and waste, the brain relies on the glymphatic system, named for the microglial cells responsible for toxin and waste removal specific to the organ.

General sleep disorders and those specific to Alzheimer’s research have undergone human trials, finding that lack of sleep causes poor memory and accumulation of beta-amyloid. A study by Mander, Jagust, and Walker discovered that powerful brain waves generated during non-REM sleep help solidify memories from their short-term state in the hippocampus to their long-term existence in the frontal cortex.

The positive side for these findings is that treatments for poor sleep are relatively easier to access. One aspect is as simple as exercising more, but behavioral therapy and even electrical stimulation have been found to improve sleep and memory performance as well.

Aberrant Immune Response

Much of the treatments that we have just discussed revolve around the idea that the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques and tau protein tangles are the primary causes for symptoms in AD.

However, some of the newer research has taken a different approach. In light of questioning why over 99% of clinical trials for AD treatments have failed, some researchers suggest that the treatments have gone after the wrong targets. They suggest that an aberrant immune response is actually destroying the neural synapses – the crucial connections that pass messages among the neurons.

L-Arginine & Immune Suppression  

Basically, L-Arginine (or, arginine) is an amino acid essential for normal immune system function. In the past, some of the research has suggested that AD and other dementia disorders are a result of the body amping up its immune or inflammatory response. However, some research indicates that the immune response is actually suppressed, but in localized regions of the brain. In areas with accumulated beta-amyloid, there is an increase of arginase, an enzyme that catabolizes arginine, leading to an overall decrease of the amino acid in the brain. This also indicates that the neurons are suffering from nutrient deprivation from this excessive catabolization of arginine.

Arginine is found naturally in the human body, but is also present in our foods (meats, dairy, coconut, oats, walnuts, soybeans, peanuts, etc.). Though it would seem that increasing arginine in the diet would help counteract these negative effects, researchers are careful to warn that arginine supplementation will do little help in the case of AD. Though arginine levels may increase within the body, the blood-brain barrier has its limitations on how much it will allow to pass through. Instead, research has focused on inhibiting the arginase to prevent it from catabolizing arginine.

Synaptic Pruning & C1q Protein

Synaptic pruning is the process in which synapses that are either infrequently used or less efficient are marked for elimination. This is a normal and essential process in development, helping with brain function and efficiency.

However, like many things, this process can go awry. In this case, beta-amyloid and a protein called C1q seem to work together. C1q is another key component in immune response, the first in a chain reaction called a complement cascade. C1q binds to particular pathogens or other toxic cells/debris, ‘marking’ them for destruction. The other components in the complement cascade help advance the breakdown and elimination of these elements. The microglia are the immune cells specific to the brain that eliminate (ingest) cells or debris marked for destruction.

In individuals with AD, an excess of C1q was discovered especially at the synapses, amidst beta-amyloid plaques. According to Stanford Medicine, the levels of C1q were 300 times the average amount. It appears that overzealous C1q would mark too many synapses for destruction, while the beta-amyloid would stimulate the microglia to devour or engulf the synapse.

Researchers have found in the lab mice that inhibiting the C1q protein actually did stop this process. While their results have been successful with lab mice, they have a long way to go before seeing the human trials for this theory. Even so, it continues to open up new avenues in research involving the brain’s immune response and its effects on neurodegenerative disorders.


Assisted Living Education recognizes the importance in staying abreast of relevant topics in the industry. As a premier provider in coursework and licensing for assisted living services, we offer comprehensive training in RCFE classes, continuing education, and current issues in the industry. Explore our website for a full array of services, or visit our contact page to submit any inquiries or reach immediate assistance.